This study-friendly book, written for the latest syllabus, extensively covers all the Computer Science you’ll need to comfortably sit and pass the UNIT 2 CAPE Computer Science examination.
Key features making this book a great guide are:
It contains extensive information on each topic.
It is organized & portable so you can comfortably study anywhere!
It is structured to mirror the syllabus, making topics easy to find.
It has clear and precise algorithms, C code, and diagrams that will let you grasp key programming concepts easily.
Computer Science for CAPE Examinations: UNIT 2 (JMD 4000)
Product Details
Paperback: 271 pages
Publisher: Jase-Omeileo West
Language: English
ISBN-13: Application in Progress
Product Dimensions: 1.1 x 8.5 x 11.0 inches
Paper Size: Letter
Weight: 1.0 kg
JMD 4000